St. Barts travel tips

St. Barts Resources
A few of our favorite websites and businesses from St Barts and other places

St. Barts travel tips

Cool People, Places & Businesses To Share

Have Roof - Will Travel
This roofer in Salt Lake City has made an interesting side business of offering rofing just about anywhere. He has mixed vacations and roofing on several islands in the Caribbean including St. Barts and also handled roofing jobs in Canada and Hawaii. Will trade for lodging too. Traveling Roofer

We visit Karen in Park City each year when we go skiing and she takes care of our caribbean skin. She is the most knowledgable esthetician we have ever found.

The owner of this house painting firm in Park City has been known to travel and exchange painting services for lodging. How do we know? Because he did a great job for us on our home in St. Barts.Painter at Large.

The Best Activity Provider
If you happen to be traveling to Park city, UT and need an activity provider who the best of the best and offers a slew of activities along with transportation services and is one of the nicest people we have ever met...Get hold of Jeff at Excusive Excursions. In all our years of traveling he is by far the cream of the crop.Park City Activities.

Self Storage
Why would we include a self storage unit? Simply because we love these people! Our daughter lives in Salt Lake City and we  helped her during a difficult move. The couple running the facility were absolutely wonderful, super helpful, even bought us pizza. Ok, maybe you don't need self storage in Salt Lake City but if you do...this is the place. South Jordan Self Storage.

Yard Care in Park City, Utah
On the off chance that you live in Park City, Utah (we have a second home there) you may well be using a yard maintenance service. We use Grounds Maintenance Services and have for years. They know their stuff and get the job done right. GMS Park City

Web Design
These guys are the best. They built a bunch of website for friends on neighboring islands and then built our website, which has worked like a charm for years. We highly recommend them if you need a website. ProClass Web Design

Tile Work
Here is something unique. A tile guy who will work just about anywhere, well, he does favor the Caribbean and Mexico. Seriously, he does great work and has figured out how to combine work with vacations so he spends the winters doing great tile work in the tropics and the summers working his craft in the Utah mountains. Nice work, if you can get him. Park City Tile contractors

Dog Products
A friend of ours invented some amazing new adjustable dog steps for his dog and we love them! A very cool idea from a great dog lover. Good Steps

Self Storage
OK. We realize that if you are on this site the odds you are looking for a self storage unit in Salt Lake City are pretty slim. However, we have a second home there and this is the facility we use. They are the best we found so if you are looking...look no further!  Suraghouse Self Storage

Park City Airport Shuttles
Are you a skier? Do you like the mountains as well as the beach? Chances are you have visited Park City , or will in the future. If you aren't interested in renting a car then this resource of transportation companies in Park City is going to come in handy. Transportation Guide

